Save custom value to main content of post

The answer appears to be clear if you look at the source code. The action you’re hooking to occurs inside wp_insert_post, and is called just before it returns the $post_ID variable. This means that all the manipulation and data insertion has already taken place, so modifying the $_POST array will do nothing. You must look … Read more

Custom wp_editor doesn’t update post_content

After some searching and working off of some pointers from toscho, and some other helpful posts to avoid an infinite loop I managed to figure out a solution. I’ll post the code below then briefly explain: // Hook into the actions here public function __construct() { add_action( ‘add_meta_boxes’, array($this, ‘meta_boxes’ )); add_action( ‘save_post’, array($this, ‘save_bio_data’ … Read more

Strange bug on post/page save

In my experience this happens when you initiate an operation (Save/Update) and then try to leave the page to do something else before the requested operation has completed. Next time you save/update a post wait until the edit page returns to normal and displays your content. Then navigate away from the edit page. Chances are … Read more