Creating stored procedure and SQLite?

SQLite has had to sacrifice other characteristics that some people find useful, such as high concurrency, fine-grained access control, a rich set of built-in functions, stored procedures, esoteric SQL language features, XML and/or Java extensions, tera- or peta-byte scalability, and so forth Source : Appropriate Uses For SQLite

How to get a list of column names on Sqlite3 database?

I want to migrate my iPhone app to a new database version. Since I don’t have some version saved, I need to check if certain column names exist. This Stackoverflow entry suggests doing the select and parse the result. Is that the common way? Alternatives?

How do I unlock a SQLite database?

In windows you can try this program to find out the process is handling db file. Try closed that program for unlock database In Linux and macOS you can do something similar, for example, if your locked file is development.db: $ fuser development.db This command will show what process is locking the file: > … Read more

sqlite3 “foreign key constraint failed”

I’ve set up two tables: After I insert data into A, it looks like this: After I insert data into B, it looks like this: I then execute the following statement: I get the following: “Error: foreign key constraint failed” I then restart sqlite3 and try again but this time I enter this first: it … Read more