Welcome to WPSE.
So I can’t write all the code for you, but I would suggest you look at these main pieces, and then come back here or make new questions if you have followup questions:
To alter the content of a post before it’s printed to the screen you could use the
filter. This lets you make any changes you want at all to the content section of a post (or page) before it’s printed to the screen, and return it with any changes to wherever is trying to print it. -
Then you have to find the part you want and only change that part. This is more of a PHP question, but for example this snippet of code will take a string with
in it and split it into two pieces around the...
$content = "TITLE HERE... Once upon a time";
$pieces = explode("...", $content, 2);
// now $pieces is a PHP array with anything before "..." in $pieces[0]
// and anything after "..." in $pieces[1]
- Then you need to convert some of it to upper case, probably using the PHP function
and put it back together. E.g. continuing from above:
$new_content = strtoupper($pieces[0]) . "..." . $pieces[1];
Note: It’s not a very clearly drawn line, but Item 1 is the main WordPress part, Items 2 and 3 are more PHP questions which should be directed to e.g. stackoverflow.com.
HTH and happy to help further, to make best use of this StackExchange is best to make a start on some piece of the code and ask specific questions about where you get to.