Use menu class in walker function

Joining all class names:

Please try:

$item_output .= sprintf( '<span class="%s"></span>', join( ' ', $item->classes ) );

instead of

$item_output .= '<span class="'. $item->classes .'"></span>';

to join the array elements of $item->classes into a string.

If you add for example aaa bbb ccc to an item’s class text field, it will show up like this:

                    [0] => aaa
                    [1] => bbb
                    [2] => ccc
                    [3] => menu-item
                    [4] => menu-item-type-post_type
                    [5] => menu-item-object-post

Filter out class names:

If you want to eliminate all class names containing item you can use:

$item_output .= sprintf( '<span class="%s"></span>', 
                          join( ' ', array_filter( $item->classes, 'custom_filter' ) ) 

where the array filter callback is

 * Only keep items not containing the string 'item'
 * @param string $var
 * @return string $var | '' Empty if contains 'item'

function custom_filter( $var )
    return ( FALSE === strpos( $var, 'item' ) ) ? $var : ''; 

ps: I think we are save with eliminating class names containg item, else you can modify it to your needs