W3 Total Cache, CDN and theme files [closed]

You need to either

  1. Version your files (by calling it style.css?ver=xxx.xxx) and making sure your CloudFront distribution has “Forward Query strings” turned on. This is the better option, as it means that all you need to do is increment the number in the query string and CloudFront will fetch this file automatically.

  2. Manually invalidate your files via the AWS Console (there is an invalidation tab when you edit your distribution)

To turn on ‘Forward Query Strings’ do the following:

  • Edit your Cloudfront distro by ticking the checkbox on the left of the ‘i’ and then click on the “distribution settings” button in the toolbar
  • Go to the Behaviors tab
  • Select the line, and click on ‘Edit’
  • Change “forward query strings” to Yes
  • Click on “Yes, Edit”

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