What are good grep tools for Windows? [closed]

Based on recommendations in the comments, I’ve started using grepWin and it’s fantastic and free.

(I’m still a fan of PowerGREP, but I don’t use it anymore.)

I know you already mentioned it, but PowerGREP is awesome.

Some of my favorite features are:

  • Right-click on a folder to run PowerGREP on it
  • Use regular expressions or literal text
  • Specify wildcards for files to include & exclude
  • Search & replace
  • Preview mode is nice because you can make sure you’re replacing what you intend to.

Now I realize that the other grep tools can do all of the above. It’s just that PowerGREP packages all of the functionality into a very easy-to-use GUI.

From the same wonderful folks who brought you RegexBuddy and who I have no affiliation with beyond loving their stuff. (It should be noted that RegexBuddy includes a basic version of grep (for Windows) itself and it costs a lot less than PowerGREP.)

Additional solutions

Existing Windows commands

Linux command implementations on Windows

Grep tools with a graphical interface

Additional Grep tools

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