Then there’s the Composer approach described here by Steve Grunwell, to load WooCommerce as a development dependency:
$ composer require --dev --prefer-source woocommerce/woocommerce
where he mentioned doing some composer.json
adjustments, like moving WooCommerce under the vendor path:
"extra": {
"installer-paths": {
"vendor/{$vendor}/{$name}": [
and include WooCommerce tests in the generated autoloader:
"autoload-dev": {
"classmap": [
followed with:
$ composer update
Then there are corresponding adjustments to the bootstrap file, as described in the article.
The WooCommerce Custom Orders Table plugin on GitHub, from Liquid Web, is a great example of such a plugin.
This test setup worked well for my little WooCommerce depending plugin to be able extend the WC_Unit_Test_Case
test class from WooCommerce.