When ever wordpress home page refreshes the code is not reading the cookie as set anymore

You cannot use setcookie() after you’ve already started outputting stuff to the body (in this case your javascript-debugging, but possibly something else outside that function).

Are you suppressing PHP warnings? It should complain with “Cannot send headers; headers already sent” and tell you where the output was started.

To get rid of the problem regarding the javascript in this function, you could append the script-tags to a variable and echo them in one go after you’ve set the cookie (or redirected). Something like this (not tested, may contain typos).

function bbb_referral_check() { 
    $javascript_ouput = "";
    if (!is_admin()){

        $theurl =  $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
        //$theurl =  wp_get_referrer();
        $host = parse_url($theurl, PHP_URL_HOST);
        $ishost = false;
        if (strpos($host, $allowed_host) !== false) { $ishost = true; }

        $javascript_ouput .= "<script>console.log('Debug Info: " .$ishost. "');</script>";

        //echo "The allowed host: ".$allowed_host; exit;
        if ( !isset($_COOKIE["bbb-referral"])) {
            $javascript_ouput .= "<script>console.log('Debug Info cookie not set: ');</script>";
            if ($ishost) {
                $javascript_ouput .= "<script>console.log('Debug Info is host match: " . $host . "');</script>";
                setcookie( "bbb-referral", "bbb-referral", time() + 1800, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN);
                } else {        
                    $javascript_ouput .= "<script>console.log('Debug Info not host match: " .$host. "');</script>";
                    wp_redirect('http://bbb.com' ); exit;


        $javascript_ouput .= "<script>console.log('Debug Info cookie is set: ');</script>";
    echo $javascript_ouput;