the _edit_lock is generated each time you edit a post or page. it consist the timecode and the user. so WordPress is knowing who is currently editing it.
meta_id post_id meta_key meta_value
9 5 _edit_lock 1388386997:1
if you manipulate it WordPress reacts somehow sensitive …I tried to fetch how many seconds somebody worked on a post. All the time it broke my database loading time.
As you said you running this on a large multisite. Don’t know how many users write posts there, but it definitely could break the RAM of the server if to many people edit a post at the same time.
A solution could be:
get rid of _edit_lock
How to disable the “Post Lock/Edit Lock”?
Normally WordPress should have the “_edit_lock” one per Post. Some databases have the problem generating them every time.
Like this guy
His solution was to delete them all.
To speed it up you can delete them all every night at 3 o’clock in phpMyAdmin with
DELETE FROM `yourdb`.`wp_postmeta` WHERE `wp_postmeta`.`meta_key` = '_edit_lock'
might be you find a cron job doing exactly that.