Only Blocks appear in the block editor. A recent version of WordPress added the ability to add Blocks to widget areas, but not the ability to add Widgets to posts.
You have registered a Widget, which can only be added to widget areas. To create a widget that can be added anywhere that Blocks can be used, you need to create a Block:
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- Adding classes to dynamic sidebar
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- Adding a widget to a string of HTML
- How to add a class to a link in text editor
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- Remove/Add widgets from/to the Available Widgets pool
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- Check if widget is active
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- Access Customizer widget instance form
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- Registering a stylesheet inside my WordPress widget
- is_tax() not working in Widget Logic [closed]
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- Modify WordPress widgets Screen
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- Ampersand breaking Widget title
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- custom widget not saved to sidebar
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- Is it possible to dynamically output the name of the widgets?
- wp_registered_widgets doesn’t contains my widgets
- How can I write this code snippet so that it echo’s the response when submitting empty fields?
- What is the difference between widget object and widget instance?
- Apply two different styles to Wiget Titles along with a decorative line
- My plugin works in home page, but doesn’t work in post page
- Widget text color change
- Widget to embed youtube video
- Can I use wp_widget_rss_output to show my site’s feed in the dashboard?
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- Checking if widget has title not working
- wp_list_categories + widget
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- Remove default WordPress widgets
- Disable wordpress widget automatically on error
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- page url in shortcode
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- Text Widget Not Working
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