You could try the template_redirect
action. Check if current request is a single product.
add_action( 'template_redirect', function() {
//= bail early
if( !is_404() ) return;
//= get product name from url
$product_name = get_query_var( 'pagename' );
//= bail
if( empty( $product_name ) ) return;
//= lookup product by name
$product = get_page_by_path( $product_name, OBJECT, 'product' );
//= bail
if( is_null( $product ) ) return;
//= redirect
wp_redirect( get_the_permalink( $product->ID ) );
} );
Note #1 in addition you might want to check if query_var “product_cat” is empty. Otherwise you might end up with an infinite loop.
Note #2 try to add some logic ( add it if it doesn’t exist, otherwise skip logic ) to pass the redirect to the Redirection plugin. Idea above will run on every request. If it’s just a redirect sitting in the Redirection plugin, it will be faster.
Hope this sets you on the right track.
Sorry I don’t have the exact solution.