WordPress Multisite with VVV

You need the VVV Custom site template to enable multisite. And you have to let the main Vagrant instance load it automatically.

Open the vvv-config.yml in the main directory, under sites: add the following entry:

    repo: https://github.com/Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/custom-site-template
      - msvagrant.dev
      - en.msvagrant.dev
      - de.msvagrant.dev
      wp_type: subdomain

Then run vagrant up, and it should install this multisite with two subdomains.

You will need access to nginx’ error logs. They aren’t accessible by default, because even as root user, you cannot read anything that directory. :/

In order to fix that, move to the directory provision/ and create a file named vvv-nginx.conf there. Add the following content to it:

server {
    listen       80;
    listen       443 ssl;
    server_name  {{DOMAINS_HERE}};
    root         {vvv_path_to_site}/public_html;

    error_log    {vvv_path_to_site}/log/error.log;
    access_log   {vvv_path_to_site}/log/access.log;

    set          $upstream {upstream};

    include      /etc/nginx/nginx-wp-common.conf;

This will create a directory log/ in every site’s root directory with error.log and access.log in it.