wp-mail attachment is not sent for no reason?

I changed the code to this and it worked ! Don’t know why I should do this and this is very odd but whatever.

function send_mail_to_admin($orderId , $attachment_img){
    $attachment_img = str_replace("https://seabou.com/wp-content" , "" , $attachment_img);
    $attachment_img = array(  WP_CONTENT_DIR . $attachment_img );
    $headers = array('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8','From: انجمن آبزیان <[email protected]>');
    $body = "<html><body>
    <b style="font-size:14px;direction:rtl;text-align:center;">یک مشتری سفارش با شماره $orderId ثبت کرد</b>
    wp_mail( "[email protected]", "دریافت نامه کاربر", $body, $headers , $attachment_img );