In line 3 of your form markup, you’re passing two arguments to wp_create_nonce
when it only accepts one. It’s a simple typo. You’ll want to concatenate the string like so:
wp_create_nonce( 'edit_post-'. $post->ID ) //dot instead of comma
EDIT: I’d suggest you give the nonce field a more specific name than _wpnonce
, as this is the generic(default) WordPress name for nonce fields, which means you probably have a conflict with other core nonces or a plugin nonce. Maybe try something like this:
// change the NONCE name to something unique
$data .= '<input type="hidden" id="wpse263026_nonce" name="wpse263026_nonce" value="'. wp_create_nonce( 'edit_post-'. $post->ID ) .'" />';
Related Posts:
- How does nonce verification work?
- How to expire a nonce?
- Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_create_nonce()
- How to add/retrieve the post trash link?
- Using nonce external of WP Admin
- Nonce best practices: hidden input vs. wp_localize_script?
- “The link you followed has expired” when previewing a post
- wp_verify_nonce keeps failing
- Handling nonce generation in AJAX registration process
- increase nonce lifespan
- Nonce failing in IE
- my theme breaks WP export
- Why am I getting a 403 from check_admin_referer()?
- x-wp-nonce across domains
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- wp_verify_nonce return false despite correct parameter passed
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- phpcs error in WordPress
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- Nonce for Trashing Item
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- Nonce – reissue with ajax poll
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- How to add WordPress nonces to ajax request
- Can I verify nonce which was generated on a different WP site?
- Security – Ajax and Nonce use [closed]
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- Use of check_admin_referer with theme options and options.php
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- Encountering “Wrong nonce. Action prohibitied.” when trying to alter User Role and unable to Post via WP Admin
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- Log in user using WordPress REST API
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- Change button link to add nonce
- How do I mitigate replay attacks when talking about actions that shouldn’t happen twice?
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- check_admin_referer not working in custom meta box for custom post type
- wp_nonce for Front-End submission form not working
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- custom metabox nonce verification fails
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- when saveing $meta_box i get Undefined index error
- Using Nonce for my Form
- Metabox nonce not allowing update
- Saving metabox updates causing fatal error