Maximum lifetime for nonce

As time varies, WordPress needs to allow for a nonce generated at 10:01 AM to be valid at 10:02 AM. It does this by using a time “tick” instead of the actual time, which is generated in two steps:

  • First divide the lifespan of a nonce, in seconds, by two
  • Divide the Unix timestamp by the above value, and round it up using

By default, the lifespan is 86400 seconds, or 24 hours (and can be adjusted with the nonce_life filter). Half this, 12 hours, is 43200.

Nonce time caveat
Based on a 24-hour lifespan, a “tick” as calculated above is the same for each 12-hour span of a day. At 07:45 AM the “tick” is the same as 9:30 AM and 11:59 AM. But it will be one less than a “tick” created at 12:01 PM (a new 12-hour span within the day) or 15:30 PM.

Because of this, a WordPress nonce is not valid for exactly 24-hours from the moment that it was created, but up to 24 hours, depending how far into a 12-hour period a nonce was created.

Further reading: