WordPress incorrectly redirects to local IP address?

Change the Site URL in Options Table.

UPDATE  `wp_options` SET  `option_value` =  'YOUR_SITE_URL' WHERE  `option_name` = 'siteurl' OR  `option_name` = 'home';

Also change the static URLs in your post content.

UPDATE `wp_posts` SET `post_content` = REPLACE(post_content, '', 'YOUR_SITE_URL/');

Don’t forget to change the table prefix if its not ‘wp_’.

Edit : Access PHPMyAdmin of your server. Contact your Hosting Provider if you are not aware of this.

Select your WordPress Database & Access wp_options table. And change ‘siteurl’ && ‘home’ attribute values to your Live Website URL.

Hire a developer if you are not sure what you are doing !

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