I managed to solve it. The problem was in using a custom post-type with Metabox.php / MediaAccess.php (both from WPAlchemy class)
Supposedly you can use custom post-types with WPAlchemy since, when instantiating a WPAlchemy_MetaBox object you can pass some optional parameters to enable that kind of costumization. Like this:
$mb = $my_custom_metabox = new WPAlchemy_MetaBox(array
'id' => '_palestrantes_metabox',
'title' => 'Palestrantes',
'types' => array('post','espresso_events'),
'template' => get_stylesheet_directory() . '/metaboxes/custom-meta.php'
But within MetaBox.php, the _init function uses some validation code to proceed:
559 // must be creating or editing a post or page
560 if ( ! WPAlchemy_MetaBox::_is_post() AND ! WPAlchemy_MetaBox::_is_page()) return;
Both functions _is_post() and _is_page(), end up calling the
static function _get_current_post_type()
$uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : NULL ;
if ( isset( $uri ) ) {
$uri_parts = parse_url($uri);
$file = basename($uri_parts['path']);
if ($uri AND in_array($file, array('post.php', 'post-new.php'))) {
$post_id = WPAlchemy_MetaBox::_get_post_id();
$post_type = isset($_GET['post_type']) ? $_GET['post_type'] : NULL ;
$post_type = $post_id ? get_post_type($post_id) : $post_type ;
if (isset($post_type)) {
return $post_type;
else {
// because of the 'post.php' and 'post-new.php' checks above, we can default to 'post'
return 'post';
return NULL;
The problem here is validating through the URI, it supposes that every post or page will have the ‘post.php’ or ‘post-new.php’ in its URI. Which in my case turned out being:
So to fix it (not proud btw). I had to add another validation in both Metabox.php / MediaAccess.php to also allow the execution when ‘page=espresso_events’ and ‘action=edit’
Well that’s it. Hope it helps. Thanks.