wpdb print all post meta

This isn’t really a WordPress question as it’s just standard SQL, so it doesn’t really belong here, but I have some points to make about your use of $wpdb->prepare() so will answer the question.

So, let’s look at your WHERE clause, isolated, with values substituted, and indented to reflect how it will be interpreted:

    pm.meta_key = "select_analyst" AND p.post_status = "new" OR 
    p.post_status = "pending_review" AND p.post_type = "post_type"

This is returning meta_value for rows that meet the following conditions:

  • meta_key is select_analyst and post_status is new
  • or post_status is pending_review and post_type is your post type.

Notice the second condition doesn’t specify a meta key, so you’ll get meta_values for all posts that are pending_review.

You need to format your conditions so that you’re querying:

  • meta_key is select_analyst
  • post_type is your post type
  • post_status is new or pending_review

The SQL for that would be

    pm.meta_key = 'select_analyst' AND 
    p.post_type="post_type" AND
    p.post_status IN ('new', 'pending_review' )

So your full query should be:

$query = $wpdb->get_results(
        DISTINCT pm.meta_value 
        $wpdb->postmeta pm
        $wpdb->posts p ON p.ID = pm.post_id
        pm.meta_key = 'select_analyst' AND
        p.post_type = $post_type AND
        p.post_status IN ('new', 'pending_review')

A couple of other changes I made:

  • You don’t need to prepare the statement. There’s no unsafe user input being put into the query. The only reason you’d want to do that is to save writing the key out multiple times, but you can always just put the variable directly in the statement if it’s not from unsafe input. You weren’t even using any of the variables multiple times (except the meta key, see below) so this was unncessary for your query.
  • You were ordering by the literal value 'select_analyst', which isn’t going to do anything. I assume you wanted to sort by the meta value, so I did that.

Also note how indenting the code to reflect the structure of the query makes it much easier to spot these sorts of issues.