WYSIWYG editor with image upload for “Normal Users” [closed]

I am working on a similar functionality. I want BuddyPress users to upload image, make a custom post and set the uploaded image as the post’s featured image.

It is possible to do this, do not see why not. Maybe somebody will be able to post a complete out-of-box solution for you.

In the meantime, if you are code-savvy, the way I would approach this task would be:

  • Find a WYSIWIG (Black Studio’s Tiny MCE?)
  • Find a flexible file
    upload plugin (I may go with this one
    https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-file-upload/) that allows you to
    choose store location and other options.
  • Modify bbPress part that
    handles uploads to render the new plugins on frontend.
  • Further extend
    bbPress’s backend, use a filter (maybe an action (?)) hook that gives
    you ability to intercept new topic’s default meta data so you can
    extend it and use the data collected from the two plugins instead of
    default (i.e. the HTML text and image URL).

This is not an answer, but hope it gives the OP an overview of scope of the work required to get this done.