8 queens puzzle with user input c++

I was studying the 8 queens puzzle and i wrote down my version of code that solved the problem with the first queen always put on row 0.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const int NUMBER_OF_QUEENS = 8; // Constant: eight queens
int queens[NUMBER_OF_QUEENS];
// Check whether a queen can be placed at row i and column j
bool isValid(int row, int column)
    for (int i = 1; i <= row; i++)
    if (queens[row - i] == column // Check column
        || queens[row - i] == column - i // Check upper left diagonal
        || queens[row - i] == column + i) // Check upper right diagonal
        return false; // There is a conflict
    return true; // No conflict
// Display the chessboard with eight queens
void printResult()
    cout << "\n---------------------------------\n";
    for (int row = 0; row < NUMBER_OF_QUEENS; row++)
        for (int column = 0; column < NUMBER_OF_QUEENS; column++)
            printf(column == queens[row] ? "| Q " : "| ");
        cout << "|\n---------------------------------\n";
// Search to place a queen at the specified row
bool search(int row)
    if (row == NUMBER_OF_QUEENS) // Stopping condition
        return true; // A solution found to place 8 queens in 8 rows
    for (int column = 0; column < NUMBER_OF_QUEENS; column++)
        queens[row] = column; // Place a queen at (row, column)
        if (isValid(row, column) && search(row + 1))
            return true; // Found, thus return true to exit for loop
    // No solution for a queen placed at any column of this row
    return false;
int main()
    search(0); // Start search from row 0. Note row indices are 0 to 7
    printResult(); // Display result
    return 0;

Now i want to modify it so it will take user input so it can start from rows 0-7. I’ve put something like this in the main function

int row, col = 0;
cout << "Enter a row number from 0-7 ";
cin >> row;
search(row);// Start search from row 0. Note row indices are 0 to 7
bool yas = isValid(row, col);
cout << yas;
printResult(); // Display result
return 0;

However when I run it, I keep getting a syntax error or false no matter what. Is there a better way to take user input in this or did I logically do this wrong?

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