Invalid use of non-static member function c++

Unlike static member functions or free functions, non-static member functions won’t implicitly convert to member function pointers.

(emphasis mine)

An lvalue of function type T can be implicitly converted to a prvalue pointer to that function. This does not apply to non-static member functions because lvalues that refer to non-static member functions do not exist.

So you need to use & explicitly to take the address of the non-static member functions (i.e. to get non-static member function pointers). e.g.

void(Machine:: *ptrs[])() = 
    &Machine::off, &Machine::on

If you declare them as static member function, you should change the type of ptrs (to array of non-member function pointers). Note that for static member function it’s fine to not use & explicitly. e.g.

void(*ptrs[])() = 
    Machine::off, Machine::on

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