Thanks for the reply. The oscommer_importer.php file already tried to retrieve fields from products table. Here I have attached it.
Plugin Name: OSCommerce Product Display
Plugin URI: http://localhost:8383
Description: Plugin for displaying products from an OSCommerce shopping cart database
Author: Priya Mohan
Version: 1.0
function oscimp_admin() {
function oscimp_admin_actions() {
add_options_page("OSCommerce Product Display", "OSCommerce Product Display", 1, "OSCommerce Product Display", "oscimp_admin");
add_action('admin_menu', 'oscimp_admin_actions');
function oscimp_getproducts($product_cnt=1) {
//Connect to the OSCommerce database
$oscommercedb = new wpdb(get_option('oscimp_dbuser'),get_option('oscimp_dbpwd'), get_option('oscimp_dbname'), get_option('oscimp_dbhost'));
for ($i=0; $i<$product_cnt; $i++) {
//Get a random product
$product_count = 0;
while ($product_count == 0) {
$product_id = rand(0,30);
$product_count = $oscommercedb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM products WHERE products_id=$product_id AND products_status=1");
//Get product image, name and URL
$product_image = $oscommercedb->get_var("SELECT products_image FROM products WHERE products_id=$product_id");
$product_name = $oscommercedb->get_var("SELECT products_name FROM products_description WHERE products_id=$product_id");
$store_url = get_option('oscimp_store_url');
$image_folder = get_option('oscimp_prod_img_folder');
//Build the HTML code
$retval .= '<div class="oscimp_product">';
$retval .= '<a href="'. $store_url . 'product_info.php?products_id=' . $product_id . '"><img src="' . $image_folder . $product_image . '" /></a><br />';
$retval .= '<a href="'. $store_url . 'product_info.php?products_id=' . $product_id . '">' . $product_name . '</a>';
$retval .= '</div>';
return $retval;
I checked the log file and there is no php error.
I somewhat feel like store url and product image url are given wrong.
Store URL: [http://localhost:8383/wordpress/][1]
product image folder:
There is some point when I tried store url and product image folder with some other links, it displayed the X in place of image. (the image not displayed but the symbol like X got displayed) please help