From man grep:
-a, –text
Process a binary file as if it were text; this is equivalent to the –binary-files=text option.
If the first few bytes of a file indicate that the file contains binary data, assume that the file is of type TYPE. By default, TYPE is binary, and grep normally outputs either a one-line message saying that a binary file matches, or no message if there is no match. If TYPE is without-match, grep assumes that a binary file does not match; this is equivalent to the -I option. If TYPE is text, grep processes a binary file as if it were text; this is equivalent to the -a option. Warning: grep –binary-files=text might output binary garbage, which can have nasty side effects if the output is a terminal and if the terminal driver interprets some of it as commands.
scans the file, and if it finds any unreadable characters, it assumes the file is in binary. Add -a
switch to grep
to make it treat the file a readable text. Most probably your input files contain some unreadable characters.
diff <(sed ‘1d’ ‘todayFile.txt’ | sort ) <(sed ‘1d’ yesterdayFile.txt | sort ) | grep “^<“
Wouldn’t be comm -13 <(...) <(...)
faster and simpler?