How to make and apply SVN patch?

By default, patch ignores the directory portion of the target filename; it’s just looking for “httpd.conf” in your current working directory. If you want it to use the full path, you have to explicitly ask it to do so with the -p option:

patch -p 0 < httpd.patch

The number after -p is how many levels to remove from the filename path; -p N strips off everything up to and including slash number N. The first slash is number 1, so -p 0 means “don’t strip anything”.

In general, you might be better off not relying on having the full path in the patch file, though; the patch will be more generally useful if it works even for files in a different directory layout. You can always cd into the directory containing the file before running patch (and use a full path to find the patch file itself, if needed, instead).

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