The issue is because plot()
is looking for vectors, and you’re feeding it one data.frame and one vector. Below is an illustration of some of your options.
mydata <- seq(1,5) # generate some data sq <- seq(1,5) plot(sq, mydata) # Happy (two vectors) x <- data.frame(sq) # Put x into data.frame plot(x, mydata) # Unhappy (one data.frame, one vector) (using x$seq works) ##Error in stripchart.default(x1, ...) : invalid plotting method x2 <- data.frame(sq, mydata) # Put them in the same data.frame ##x2 ## sq mydata ##1 1 1 ##2 2 2 ##3 3 3 ##4 4 4 ##5 5 5 plot(x2) # Happy (uses
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