This is a little tricky because sanitize_user
allows spaces in usernames, meaning it difficult to avoid grabbing the whole phrase ‘@johndoe said that … ‘ as opposed to just the actual username ‘@johndoe’ and you have no separator at the end that would help. To avoid that I imposed a requirement that spaces in the username be replaced with ‘+’.
function look_for_author($login) {
if (!empty($login[1])) {
$lname = str_replace('+',' ',$login[1]);
$user = get_user_by('login',$lname);
if (!empty($user)) return ' <a href="'.get_author_posts_url($user->ID).'">'.$lname.'</a> ';
return ' '.$login[0].' ';
function hyperlink_authors( $content ){
$content = preg_replace_callback(
return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'hyperlink_authors', 1 );
I would not expect this solution to be very robust, not without a lot of tweaking of the regex. And I think you would be better off with a shortcode, but there you go.
Note: It occurred to me that this site has a similar mention-like functionality. When writing a comment, you can notify other users by writing “@username” but usernames here can have spaces as with WordPress. The “spaces” problem here was solved by requiring that spaces just be removed, rather than substituted with “+” signs. That could be another way to solve approach the problem.