Original approach of static compilation in HipHop PHP-to-C++ has been since replaced by HipHop VM just-in-time compilation.
Facebook prominently featured WordPress as example application and it no longer requires extensive (barely any by now) core edits.
Old answer
There is quite extensive presentation Rasmus Lerdorf – PHP Performance that uses WP as test subject and covers HipHop among many other things.
The summary I can formulate from that presenation is that HipHop:
- requires WP core edits
- has limited PHP and libraries compatibility
- provides (on vanilla WP install at least) very mild performance gain for the effort it takes to implement. In that presentation compiling with HipHop bumped WP from 28.8 transactions per second to 33.6.
I think more common performance improving alternatives (like reverse proxy) can easily outperform that without such downsides.