Can I change a variable in a content part while calling it?

Currently, you have your variable defined below the include which would be too late. If you defined the variable above the include it should be accessible by whatever file is included.

$hssHeading = "A new different Title";
include( locate_template( 'cp/heroSectionSmall.php', false, false ) );

<!-- heroSectionSmall.php -->
echo $hssHeading;

Maybe a better solution though is to simple create a function or call an action to output this heading which will allow you to modify it with conditionals or hooks:

<h1><?php the_hssHeading( $hssHeading ); ?></h1>

<!-- functions.php -->
 * Display HSS Heading
 * @param String $current_heading
 * @return void
if( ! function_exists( 'the_hssHeading' ) ) {

    function the_hssHeading( $current_heading ) {

        echo $current_heading . ' | Foobar';



Or via filter hook:

echo apply_filters( 'theme_hss_heading', $hssHeading );

<!-- functions.php -->
 * Modify the HSS Heading
 * @param String $current_heading
 * @return void
function hssheading_modifications( $current_heading ) {

    return sprintf( '<h1 class="%1$s">%2$s</h1>', 'foobar', $current_heading );


By using a filter hook or function you’ll open yourself up to customizing this section all in one place. Additionally you allow child themes to modify or override this functionality pretty easily.