You should use wc_get_products and a custom filter for adding your specific query.
I want to find products containing a specific attribute value “table-filter”.
$args = array(
'table-filter' => array(1,2,3)
$products = wc_get_products($args);
Than I have a filter for this:
add_filter('woocommerce_product_data_store_cpt_get_products_query', 'my_handle_custom_query_var', 10, 2);
function my_handle_custom_query_var($query, $query_vars) {
if (!empty($query_vars['table-filter'])) {
$query['tax_query'][] = array(
'taxonomy' => 'pa_table-filter',
'field' => 'term_id', //default
'terms' => $query_vars['table-filter'],
'operator' => 'IN',
return $query;
Hint: The generated attribute taxonomy from WooCommerce is always prefixed with “pa_”, so if you attributes slug is “table-filter”, the taxonomy will be “pa_table-filter”.