get_posts return only first result

// Get the category ID from url
                        $catsearched = $_GET['product_cat'];

                        $earth_radius = 6371;

                        // Get products of category with in range distance
                        $querystrShop = $wpdb->prepare("
                        SELECT productid 
                        AS post_id,(%d * ACOS(COS(RADIANS(%s)) * COS(RADIANS(phiz_geo_location.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(phiz_geo_location.longitude) - RADIANS(%s)) + SIN(RADIANS(%s)) * SIN(RADIANS(phiz_geo_location.latitude))))
                        AS distance, phiz_postmeta.meta_value
                        FROM phiz_geo_location
                        JOIN phiz_term_relationships ON phiz_geo_location.productid = phiz_term_relationships.object_id
                        LEFT JOIN phiz_postmeta ON phiz_geo_location.productid = phiz_postmeta.post_id
                        LEFT JOIN phiz_posts AS p ON phiz_postmeta.post_id =
                        WHERE phiz_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id IN ($catsearched)
                        AND p.post_title="".$html.""
                        AND p.post_status="publish"
                        GROUP BY post_id
                        HAVING distance < %f",

                        $sql = $wpdb->get_results( $querystrShop );
                        $sameCIParrayOfID = wp_list_pluck( $sql, 'post_id' );