Here is the answer to my question…
Add this to your functions.php
// Options Page Functions
function themeoptions_admin_menu()
// here's where we add our theme options page link to the dashboard sidebar
add_theme_page("Theme Color", "Theme Color", 'edit_themes', basename(__FILE__), 'themeoptions_page');
function themeoptions_page()
// here's the main function that will generate our options page
if ( $_POST['update_themeoptions'] == 'true' ) { themeoptions_update(); }
//if ( get_option() == 'checked'
<div class="wrap">
<div id="icon-themes" class="icon32"><br /></div>
<h2>Theme Color</h2>
<form method="POST" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="update_themeoptions" value="true" />
<h4>Colour Stylesheet To Use</h4>
<select name ="colour">
<?php $colour = get_option('mytheme_colour'); ?>
<option value="red" <?php if ($colour=='red') { echo 'selected'; } ?> >Red Stylesheet</option>
<option value="green" <?php if ($colour=='green') { echo 'selected'; } ?>>Green Stylesheet</option>
<option value="blue" <?php if ($colour=='blue') { echo 'selected'; } ?>>Blue Stylesheet</option>
<p><input type="submit" name="search" value="Update Options" class="button" /></p>
function themeoptions_update()
// this is where validation would go
update_option('mytheme_colour', $_POST['colour']);
if ($_POST['display_search']=='on') { $display = 'checked'; } else { $display = ''; }
update_option('mytheme_display_search', $display);
add_action('admin_menu', 'themeoptions_admin_menu');
Next step is to add code to header.php:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo("stylesheet_url' ); ?>" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/<?php echo get_option('mytheme_colour'); ?>.css" type="text/css">
And last step is to add our css file (I will name it red.css) and style it like this:
float: left;
width: 520px;
padding: 0 10px 10px 10px;
background-color:red !important;//now if user selects "Red Stylesheet" inside admin
//area it will import an override default styling
(in my case default is a white color)
And you are done!! Hope this will help somebody else!!