Updating just one option with update_option

Your method is correct, but the problem is that the value inside the option in your example, i.e.:

get_option( 'second_option' );

is not serialized correctly ( it was either edited directly–and incorrectly–through the database or inserted with something other than update_option() ).

If you var_dump( get_option( 'second_option' ) );, you’ll see that it’s not an array but a string.

The correct serialized value in the database for your example would be:


Using that, your approach will work as expected. However, instead of editing this manually (as it is prone to errors, like in this example), just do a reset of the option like so:

$second_option = array(
  'manual'   => '',
  'currency  => 'USD',
  'state'    => 'nn',
update_option( 'second_option', $second_option );

Afterwards, this will work as expected:

$sets = get_option( 'second_option' );
$sets['currency'] = 'some_value';
update_option( 'second_option', $sets );

PS: There is no need to unserialize or serialize when using get_option() and update_option() respectively, these functions take care of that.