Can’t save options


Here is why your settings aren’t updating. Your validation function is wrong. To wit:

function ev_options_validate( $input ) {
    $ev_options = get_option( 'theme_evolutionary_options' );
    $valid_input = $ev_options;

    $ev_options['color_scheme'] = array_key_exists( $ev_options['color_scheme'], ev_get_valid_color_schemes() ) ? $ev_options['color_scheme'] : 'blue';
    $ev_options['copytright'] = wp_kses_data( $ev_options['copyright'] );

    return $valid_input;

You’re updating $ev_options, but returning $valid_input. You need to be updating $valid_input, not $ev_options.

Try this instead:

function ev_options_validate( $input ) {
    $ev_options = get_option( 'theme_evolutionary_options' );
    $valid_input = $ev_options;

    $valid_input['color_scheme'] = array_key_exists( $ev_options['color_scheme'], ev_get_valid_color_schemes() ) ? $ev_options['color_scheme'] : 'blue';
    $valid_input['copytright'] = wp_kses_data( $ev_options['copyright'] );

    return $valid_input;

See if that fixes your problem?


Your next problem in the validation function is that you’re comparing $ev_options to/against itself, when you need to be evaluating $input against $valid_input.

Instead of this:

function ev_options_validate( $input ) {
    $ev_options = get_option( 'theme_evolutionary_options' );
    $valid_input = $ev_options;

    $valid_input['color_scheme'] = array_key_exists( $ev_options['color_scheme'], ev_get_valid_color_schemes() ) ? $ev_options['color_scheme'] : 'blue';
    $valid_input['copytright'] = wp_kses_data( $ev_options['copyright'] );

    return $valid_input;

Try this:

function ev_options_validate( $input ) {
    $ev_options = get_option( 'theme_evolutionary_options' );
    $valid_input = $ev_options;

    $valid_input['color_scheme'] = array_key_exists( $input['color_scheme'], ev_get_valid_color_schemes() ) ? $input['color_scheme'] : 'blue';
    $valid_input['copytright'] = wp_kses_data( $input['copyright'] );

    return $valid_input;

Specifically, change this:

$valid_input['color_scheme'] = array_key_exists( $ev_options['color_scheme'], ev_get_valid_color_schemes() ) ? $ev_options['color_scheme'] : 'blue';
$valid_input['copytright'] = wp_kses_data( $ev_options['copyright'] );

To this:

$valid_input['color_scheme'] = array_key_exists( $input['color_scheme'], ev_get_valid_color_schemes() ) ? $input['color_scheme'] : 'blue';
$valid_input['copytright'] = wp_kses_data( $input['copyright'] );

And then, I think, your options should work.


The Settings API handles looking at any $POST data. That’s not the problem.

Regarding the default-settings updating on init, here’s my original, example code:

function oenology_options_init() {
     // set options equal to defaults
     global $oenology_options;
     $oenology_options = get_option( 'theme_oenology_options' );
     if ( false === $oenology_options ) {
          $oenology_options = oenology_get_default_options();
     update_option( 'theme_oenology_options', $oenology_options );
// Initialize Theme options
add_action('after_setup_theme','oenology_options_init', 9 );

And here’s Mamaduka’s code:

function ev_options_init() {
    // Set options equal to defaults
    global $ev_options;
    $ev_options = ev_theme_settings_defaults();
    if ( false === $ev_options ) {
        $ev_options = ev_theme_settings_defaults();
    update_option( 'theme_evolutionary_options', $ev_options );

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'ev_options_init', 9 );

Do you see the difference? There is a critical change from oenology_options_init() to ev_options_init(), to wit:


global $oenology_options;
$oenology_options = get_option( 'theme_oenology_options' );

Versus this:

global $ev_options;
$ev_options = ev_theme_settings_defaults();

Thus, in ev_options_init(), the function never actually does anything, because of the change.