Add delete, approve, spam Links to Comments

Per default wp_list_comments() calls the class Walker_Comment. Its method start_el() calls edit_comment_link() and here we find a filter for your question: It is called 'edit_comment_link' and it passes two variables, the link text and the comment ID, which we can use.

The URLs to mark a comment as spam or to delete it are:

  • wp-admin/comment.php?c=1&action=cdc&dt=spam for spam, and
  • wp-admin/comment.php?c=1&action=cdc for deletion.

We can add a parameter redirect_to= to send us back to the post after the comment was trashed.

Here is a sample plugin I just hacked together (GitHub address):

<?php # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 * Plugin Name: T5 Comment moderation links
 * Version:     2012.06.04
 * Author:      Thomas Scholz <[email protected]>
 * Author URI:
 * License:     MIT
 * License URI:

if ( ! function_exists( 't5_comment_mod_links' ) )
    add_filter( 'edit_comment_link', 't5_comment_mod_links', 10, 2 );

     * Adds Spam and Delete links to the Sdit link.
     * @wp-hook edit_comment_link
     * @param   string  $link Edit link markup
     * @param   int $id Comment ID
     * @return  string
    function t5_comment_mod_links( $link, $id )
        $template=" <a class="comment-edit-link" href="$s%2$s">%3$s</a>";
        $admin_url = admin_url( "comment.php?c=$id&action=" );

        // Mark as Spam.
        $link .= sprintf( $template, $admin_url, 'cdc&dt=spam', __( 'Spam' ) );
        // Delete.
        $link .= sprintf( $template, $admin_url, 'cdc', __( 'Delete' ) );

        // Approve or unapprove.
        $comment = get_comment( $id );

        if ( '0' === $comment->comment_approved )
            $link .= sprintf( $template, $admin_url, 'approvecomment', __( 'Approve' ) );
            $link .= sprintf( $template, $admin_url, 'unapprovecomment', __( 'Unapprove' ) );

        return $link;

Screenshot with TwentyEleven (order reversed by the stylesheet):

enter image description here

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