first +1 for the first commenter .
this function will do the trick for your media upload :
function dl_custom_image_sizes_add_settings($sizes) {
unset( $sizes['thumbnail']); //comment to remove size if needed
//unset( $sizes['medium']);// uncomment to remove size if needed
//unset( $sizes['large']);// uncomment to restore size if needed
unset( $sizes['full'] ); // comment to remove size if needed
$mynewimgsizes = array(
"your-custom-size_name-1" => __( "Name_to_display1" ),
"your-custom-size_name-2" => __( "Name_to_display2" ),
"your-custom-size_name-3" => __( "Name_to_display3" )
$newimgsizes = array_merge($sizes, $mynewimgsizes);
return $newimgsizes;
add_filter('image_size_names_choose', 'dl_custom_image_sizes_add_settings');
of course , this will work only if you define them first like so :
Post Thumbnails Support
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array( 'post' ) ); // Add it for posts
add_image_size( 'your-custom-size_name-1', 220, 100, true ); // Permalink thumbnail size
add_image_size( 'your-custom-size_name-2', 50, 50, true ); // example home thumbnail size
add_image_size( 'your-custom-size_name-3', 470, 350, false ); // slider size
otherwise it will show greyed out buttons..