How to Add a Custom Colum on Thickbox Media Gallery Tab?

While researching I found what may be a duplicate, but I’m really not sure, as this one deals with sending the value somewhere else…

There, I learned that there’s a plugin for what I was already coding (
Multiple Galleries) and it injects the include attribute when inserting the gallery.

Nonetheless, a worthy exercise and a joint venture with a StackOverflow’er.


Appears in the Gallery and Library tabs.
The idea is to copy/paste the value of the selected images and use it manually.
Usage can be in a Custom Field, from where it is read in some template page.

Result of the Code

enter image description here

The Code

add_action( 'admin_head-media-upload-popup', 'wpse_53803_script_enqueuer' );

function wpse_53803_script_enqueuer() 
    if( $_GET['tab'] == 'gallery' || $_GET['tab'] == 'library' ) 
           <style>#media-upload th.order-head {width: 5%} #media-upload th.actions-head {width: 10%}</style>
           <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
              * Add Input Text Field
             $('<span>Copy this to use in the Gallery shortcode as the "include=image-ids" (<a href="" target="_blank">documentation</a>): </span><input type="text" id="shortcode" style="width:99%;clear:both" /><span></span><hr style="width:99%;opacity:.5" />').prependTo('');

             * OnClick Populate/Depopulate Text Field
                var checkedIds = $('input[type="checkbox"][name^="gal-item"]:checked').map(function(){
                    return parseInt($(this).prop('name').replace(/gal-item-/,''));


             * Iterate through the Media Items and Add a CheckBox
               var id = $(this).next('.slidetoggle')
                                .replace(/media-head-/, '');
               var filename = $('<label>Add to gal-list <input type="checkbox" name="gal-item-'+id+'" id="gal-item-'+id+'" value=""  /></label>')
               filename.css('float','right').css('margin','12px 40px 0 0');

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