that’s exactly what the filter is here for! apply_filters
is a hook that allows you to modify the array that is passed there as a second argument. Try this:
function example_additional_wpneo_menus( $menus ) {
// check the type just in case
if ( ! is_array( $menus ) ) {
return $menus;
$menus['myform'] = [
'tab' => 'myform',
// here the second arg is a name of your theme/plugin textdomain, used for translations only
'tab_name' => __('My Form','your_textodomain'),
// MY_THEME_DIR doesn't seem to be a wordpress constant, try this if you want to get current theme directory
'load_form_file' => get_template_directory() . '/wpcrowdfunding/dashboard/myform.php'
return $menus;
// now you hook that into the filter
add_filter( 'wpneo_crowdfunding_frontend_dashboard_menus', 'example_additional_wpneo_menus', 10, 1 );