Yes, you can use the body_class
filter. If all the sites use the same theme, you can get away with putting this in functions.php
(in a child theme so your code doesn’t get overwritten when the theme is updated), but if any sites have a different theme, you’ll need to put it into a custom plugin (perhaps a MU plugin).
add_filter('body_class', 'wpse_299000_body_class');
function wpse_299000_body_class() {
// check if current subsite is inactive, deleted, archived, or spammed
$is_inactive = ms_site_check();
// value will come back either true or false
if($is_inactive == true) {
// add your desired class to <body> - this example adds .inactive
$classes[] = 'inactive';
// always return classes so none are taken away
return $classes;
You can also remove classes if needed.
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