This code works, but the way I integrated it is breaking the media uploader. How can I integrate it properly?

Well first of all, never use jQuery or JavaScript or CSS code at filter hook. Cause the filter hooks are not designed that way. It is designed to get an input modify or manipulate the input and return it back to where ever it(input) has come. So it has no function to echo anything. And no echo means no script placing for HTML.

Secondly, you can divide your code into two piece and put the jQuery and CSS code into a separate file, then enqueue that script file with admin_enqueue_scripts or wp_enqueue_scripts. It’ll be a long example, so I’m not mentioning it here. Please do some search. I’m sure you’ll find an example of it.

Thirdly, you can enqueue that script inline with HTML by hooking that script directly to admin_head or admin_footer ( For front-end it would be wp_head or wp_footer ). Now for your case I assume you need to hook that to your admin back-end. SO the code will be like below-

add_filter('attachment_fields_to_edit', 'the_dramatist_action_button', 20, 2);
function the_dramatist_action_button( $form_fields, $post ) {
    $send = "<input type="submit" class="button" name="send[$post->ID]" value="" . esc_attr__( "Use Photo' ) . "' />";
    $form_fields['buttons'] = array('tr' => "\t\t<tr class="submit"><td></td><td class="savesend">$send</td></tr>\n");
    return $form_fields;

add_action( 'admin_footer', 'the_dramatist_footer_scripts' );
function the_dramatist_footer_scripts() {
        //jQuery('.savesend input[type=submit]').click(function(){
        //  var url = jQuery(this).parents('.describe').find('.urlfile').data('link-url');
        //  var field = jQuery(this).parents('.describe').find('.urlfield');
        //  field.val(url);

        // I prefer writing your jQuery code like below.
            'use strict';
                $('.savesend').on( 'click', 'input[type=submit]', function() {
                    var url = $(this).parents('.describe').find('.urlfile').data('link-url');
                    var field = $(this).parents('.describe').find('.urlfield');

        #media-head-125, #imgedit-response-125,, .image-size, .align, .post_content, .post_excerpt, .image_alt, .post_title.form-required,, .url {
            display: none !important;

Also notice I’ve tried to rewrite your jQuery code in a better approach. Writing jQuery code this way is better.

Notice: I haven’t tested this code. Please test it before going live.