Adding Permalink to Slides with ‘Simple Nivo Slider’ plugin?

Without seeing how you’ve customized the plugin, I can only go off the code of the stock plugin. By default, it will either use the permalink or whatever you have set in the post meta for simple_nivo_link. Here’s the actual code:

# process the results
while (have_posts()) {



    # determine link
    $link = trim(get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'simple_nivo_link', true));
    if (empty($link))
        $link = get_permalink();

    # build 'a' opening and closing tags, if wanted
    $linkhead = $linktail="";
    if (strtolower($link) != 'none') {
        $linkhead = "<a href=\"$link\">";
        $linktail = "</a>";

    list($imgsrc) = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), get_option('snivo_imagesize', snivo_defaults('snivo_imagesize')));

    $caption = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'simple_nivo_caption', true);

    <?php echo $linkhead ?><img src="<?php echo $imgsrc ?>" alt="" title="<?php echo $caption ?>" /><?php echo $linktail."\n" ?>


In English, this code loops through every post in your slider. It calls the_post() to populate the regular template tag functions you know and love. Then it checks to see if you’re manually settings the link for the slide by putting something in the simple_nivo_link custom field for the post. If you are, it uses that. If you aren’t, it uses the permalink.

However, if you have “none” set in this post meta field, the slider will omit the link entirely.

So, by default, the plugin will do exactly what you expect it to do. If it’s not outputting the permalink, then you’ve changed something in the code that you need to un-change.