All blog posts are not showing up

  1. The only way the front page shows up correctly is for me to select “Show latest posts” in the Settings—->Reading section

That is the default way most Genesis child themes work and there is nothing in the Nameless theme code that suggests the theme author expected anyone to use a static front page. Genesis was not knowingly designed that way, but all pre-Genesis StudioPress themes required the “Show latest post” setting to run properly.

I recall doing a few tests for static pages (Geneis Breadcrumbs comes to mind.) during Genesis testing, but Brian never uses static pages for his child themes. So, expect the same problems all WordPress static pages have (like pagination problems).

  1. Only my posts are showing up and not those of the other authors. I created a page called “Blog” and entered the code below, but it still only shows my posts.

Genesis already has Blog page template and a looks for a custom field named query_args for WP_Query loop settings. There are also settings for the Genesis Theme Settings page. The query_args custom field overrides the Theeme Settings page settings.

  • Delete the Blog page template file in the child theme.
  • Edit your blog page.
  • Add a custom field name query_args.
  • Set the value to post_type=any. The number of posts per page are set in the Genesis Theme Settings page.
  • Go to the Genesis Theme Setings page (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=genesis) and set the Blog Page Template settings.

That will do the same thing as your code and will call all the extra Genesis page stuff as well. Note: query_args can only accept WP_Query string parameters. More complicated queries may be added using the 'genesis_custom_loop_args' filter.