You would use the handle
of your enqueued scripts, ie, the first parameter of the wp_enqueue_script
function used in WordPress for all your scripts… (if you are loading them another way you should use this function instead.)
The handle for jQuery is… actually jquery
now. But each script queued will have it’s own handle. A bit like a ‘slug’ for a post.
You are fine to add as many handles to that array without having to change the filter parameters. (The 10, 2
part is the filter run priority and number of arguments passed to the filter function respectively.)
But the script_loader_tag
filters enqueued scripts, not stylesheets, so no this will not be fine for doing the same with CSS files.
I don’t think that loop will work as it is, as it will return on the first fail, and thus not check all the handles. Use instead:
foreach($scripts_to_async as $async_script) {
if ($async_script === $handle) {return str_replace(' src', ' async="async" src', $tag);}