SSD or HDD for server

One aspect of my job is designing and building large-scale storage systems (often known as “SANs”, or “Storage Area Networks”). Typically, we use a tiered approach with SSD’s and HDD’s combined. That said, each one has specific benefits. SSD’s almost always have a higher Cost-per-Byte. I can get 10k SAS 4kn HDD’s with a cost-per-gigabyte … Read more

Downloading docker image for transfer to non-internet-connected machine

Short: use the save CLI command. You can pull the image on a computer that have access to the internet. sudo docker pull ubuntu Then you can save this image to a file sudo docker save -o ubuntu_image.docker ubuntu Transfer the file on the offline computer (USB/CD/whatever) and load the image from the file: … Read more

Ansible stuck on gathering facts

I was having a similar issue with Ansible ping on Vagrant, it just suddenly stuck for no reason and has previously worked absolutely fine. Unlike any other issue like ssh or connective issue, it just forever die with no timeout. One thing I did to resolve this issue is to clean ~/.ansible directory and it … Read more

Why Block Port 22 Outbound?

I don’t see that anyone has spelled out the specific risk with SSH port forwarding in detail. If you are inside a firewall and have outbound SSH access to a machine on the public internet, you can SSH to that public system and in the process create a tunnel so that people on the public … Read more