Block validation failed – escaped HTML in content save

I was playing around with a couple of more hours it and it seems that type “text” is not equal to inner text, it still grabs innerHTML kind of encoded to entities. I’ve found that out, but forgot to filter it in the save function, which hasn’t had an impact on saving (as expected, since the value was from the input field), but for validation yes.

So my workaround without adding any additional HTML element was:

attributes: {
    button: {
        type: 'string',
        source: 'html',
        selector: 'button',

And then strip HTML out of the attributes.button value each time when used – in edit function & on the frontend, which did the trick.

// edit.js
    className={className + "_button button"}
    onChange={(val) => setAttributes({ button: val })}
    value={attributes.button ? attributes.button.replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, '') : ''}
    placeholder={__('Add button title', 'avmc-mat')}
    allowedFormats={ }


// save.js
export default function save({ attributes }) {
const className = getBlockDefaultClassName('avmc/cta'); //
    return <div className={className}>
        <p className={className + "_label"}>{attributes.label}</p>
        <button className={className + "_button button"}>
            {attributes.button ? attributes.button.replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, '') : ''}
            <svg className="ico ico__envelope button_ico" xmlns="" width="24" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 20"><g><g><path d="M13.78 10.188l-1.483 1.329a.593.593 0 0 1-.793.004l-1.444-1.29-5.324 4.978a.596.596 0 0 1-.814-.87L9.166 9.43 3.9 4.725a.592.592 0 0 1-.048-.84.593.593 0 0 1 .84-.049l5.698 5.097a.96.96 0 0 1 .097.083c0 . 1.25 7.177-6.44a.598.598 0 0 1 .841.045.599.599 0 0 1-.043.84l-5.205 4.666 5.226 4.96a.597.597 0 0 1-.41 1.026.595.595 0 0 1-.409-.163l-5.292-5.026zm10.19 7.258v-15.5c0-1.103-.898-2-2.001-2h-20c-1.103 0-2 .897-2 2v15.5c0 1.103.897 2 2 2h20c1.103 0 2-.897 2-2z" /></g></g></svg>
    </div >;

Hope it will be helpful for someone else´. If there is a “built in” function for that, I it would really appreciate pointing me the right direction!