Cannot get tags working from a WPAlchemy metabox with wp_editor()

sorry you were having trouble with my “Holy Grail”. It looks like you missed an important part in my functions.php sample:


You weren’t using WP Alchemy’s get_the_value method. So instead of:

$richtextcontent = $page_type_richtext->the_value( 'richfield' );

yours should have been:

$richtextcontent = $page_type_richtext->get_the_value( 'richfield' );

You were using the_value which echos out the value and therefore doesn’t give you a chance to run it through the filters.

The meta_content filters are not useless, but can be redundant. You can use the_content filters, but a lot of plugins hook into the_content… (such as most social sharing plugins) and if you use apply_filters('the_content',$sometext) in a lot of places you can end up with a page full of social buttons! I did once, which is why I decided it was cleaner to duplicate the_content.

I’m sure you aren’t still working on this project, but hopefully this will help anyone else who ends up on this question.
