Title and post URL based on custom fields?

I think a good way to do what you want is hook the wp_insert_post_data filter. Here you can change the title and slug of the post before it is saved to database:

add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data', 'wpse_update_post_title_and_slug' );
function wpse_update_post_title_and_slug( $data ) {

    //You can make some checks here before modify the post data.
    //For example, limit the changes to standard post type
    if( 'post' == $data['post_type'] ) {

        //Add post meta to post title
        $data['post_title'] = $_POST['the-name-field'] . ' ' . $_POST['the-surname-field'];

        //Update the slug of the post for the URL
        $data['post_name'] = sanitize_title( $data['post_title'] );


    return $data;
