Check if Value Exists in Database, adding row details to variables and echoing result

Thanks @user141080 I had the table_name declared wrong. I also missing the ” around the ‘$postcode’, which you do by adding an extra ‘at the end of the where clause and .”‘” after the variable.

The code below works now.

/*-------------Check Postcode -----------------*/

global $wpdb;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix.'vw_postcode_checker';

if (!empty($_POST[postcode]))
    $postcode = $_POST[postcode];
    $entry = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT * FROM ".$table_name." WHERE postcode="" . $postcode . """);
    if (isset($entry))
        $town = $entry->town;
        $county = $entry->county;
        $your_area = $town . ", " . $county;
         $confirmed = "Congratulations, we are delivering to " . $your_area;
         echo $confirmed;
      $notconfirmed = "Sorry, we are not delivering to your area at this time.";
      echo $notconfirmed;