Checking the count within a foreach loop

You can achieve this very easily, just count the array with the terms.

Also if I could suggest something more, I’d check for WP_Error a bit earlier, outside the foreach loop, instead of checking every single term, especially that you’re not using the $term_link variable anywhere.

Just checking if get_the_terms() returns an array should be enough in this case if you don’t wish to print out the error message.

function customFruitBreadcrumbs() {
     $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID , 'fruit_category' );

     // do nothing if you got an error or no terms at all
     if ( ! is_array( $terms ) ) {

     // here's your link for multiple terms
     if ( count($terms) > 1 ) {
          echo '<a href="">Fruits</a> » ';

     // if you got so far you know you've got exactly one term in the array at this point,
     // so you can go with the switch and get rid of the foreach loop completely

     switch ($terms[0]->name) {
          case "Spring":
              echo '<a href="">Spring Fruits</a> » ';
          case "Summer":
              echo '<a href="">Summer Fruits</a> » ';
          case "Autumn":
              echo '<a href="">Autumn Fruits</a> » ';
          case "Winter":
              echo '<a href="">Winter Fruits</a> » ';
              echo '';