Convert the default sub-category dashes to bullets or any other characters

For the terms table in the edit-tags.php page, the extra level pads are added to the term’s name in the WP_Terms_List_Table::column_name() method:

$pad = str_repeat( '— ', max( 0, $this->level ) );

 * Filters display of the term name in the terms list table.
 * The default output may include padding due to the term's
 * current level in the term hierarchy.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @see WP_Terms_List_Table::column_name()
 * @param string $pad_tag_name The term name, padded if not top-level.
 * @param WP_Term $tag         Term object.
 $name = apply_filters( 'term_name', $pad . ' ' . $tag->name, $tag );


Here’s one approach replacing the — dash with e.g. a bullet, with the term_name filter:

add_filter( 'term_name', function( $name, $tag )
    if( did_action( 'load-edit-tags.php' ) )
        $name = str_replace( '—', '•', $name ); //Adjust to your needs! 

    return $name;
}, 10, 2 );

Note that here we restrict it to the edit-tags.php screen.