Create a custom render Appender button to add Inner Blocks

So I’m answering the following: How to open the block picker menu via a custom button. I.e. Without using InnerBlocks.ButtonBlockAppender. 🙂

How can I open the Block Picker Menu on click of the custom button?

There’s no (as of writing) “standard” function (like alert()) that you can simply call which then opens the block picker menu; however, you can wrap your button in a Inserter component (wp.blockEditor.Inserter) and call it’s onToggle method/function on clicking your button.

Here’s a simplified example based on ButtonBlockAppender (the base component that’s used by InnerBlocks.ButtonBlockAppender) for the Gutenberg plugin version 8.2.1.

// WordPress dependencies.
import { Inserter, InnerBlocks } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import { IconButton } from '@wordpress/components';
import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';

function MyButtonBlockAppender( { rootClientId } ) {
    return (
            rootClientId={ rootClientId }
            renderToggle={ ( { onToggle, disabled } ) => (
                    onClick={ onToggle }
                    disabled={ disabled }
                    label="Add a Block"
            ) }

registerBlockType( 'my-plugin/my-block', {
    title: 'My Block',
    category: 'common',

    edit( { className, clientId } ) {
        return (
            <div className={ className }>
                Click the button to add your 1st image/paragraph.
                    allowedBlocks={ [ 'core/image', 'core/paragraph' ] }
                    renderAppender={ () => (
                        <MyButtonBlockAppender rootClientId={ clientId } />
                    ) }

    save() {
        return (
                <InnerBlocks.Content />
} );

So as I said, that’s a simplified example. You can just copy the original ButtonBlockAppender component and modify it to tailor your requirements.

Happy coding!